Thursday, November 11, 2010

ARTAA Plans for the Holidays

[Lace Pendant and Snowflake: Barbara Vanselow]

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ARTAA members are busy these days preparing items for a Holiday Bazaar and Gourmet Cookie Sale sponsored by the Friends of Sherborn Council on the Aging, Sherborn, MA. The event will be held December 4, 2010 between 10 AM and 4 PM at the town's Community Center and feature over 34 fine artisans. ARTAA is pleased to be counted in their midst.

[Embroidered wool pillow: Lucille Makrin]

Whenever ARTAA participates in an activity, one of its members takes a coordinating role in planning and executing the event. This time, three members will head east to Sherborn to greet the public: Pat Spillane, Karen Sturtevant, and Barbara Vanselow.

If you should travel near Sherborn, MA on December 4th - do stop by between 10 AM and 4 PM for some exquisite holiday shopping, a tin of gourmet cookies and look for us in the crowd - wearing our ARTAA aprons.